One of the fastest growing areas in the field of tattoos are female tattoo designs. When you think about the history of tattooing it was not too long ago that tattoos had a very different reputation and frequently when women did get tattoos say 20 years ago they would keep them well hidden.
The whole point is that one of the fastest growing populations within this quickly growing market is females and female tattoo designs and designers are now making a whole new style of tattoos.
If you are a female and looking for a tattoo then you are in luck! You are no longer stuck getting only a lower back tattoo design there are now a wide variety of tattoos locations and tattoo designs that you can get.
This article will help identify some of the more popular tattoo designs for women and some of the locations that tattoos can be done.
Female Chest Tattoos - This is a great area to get a tattoo done on as it offers a fairly large space for a big tattoo design. There are also a great deal of traditional tattoo designs that can easily be modified and played with to create fun and interesting new designs for females. For example one of the traditional tattoos for a chest design is a sacred heart often done with two sparrow on either side. I have recently seen this done as a traditional sacred or flaming heart and then instead of the two sparrow there were two hello kitty tattoos in the place of the sparrows. So as you can see the chest makes a wonderful place for a tattoo design and the extensive background of traditional designs in this area can lead in some creative directions for women today.
Female Upper Back Tattoo - We all know the infamous lower back tattoo that has been very popular in the last 5 to 10 years or so. It has given rise to the low rise jeans and other fashions. However, more and more women are now starting to branch away from lower back tattoo design and starting to get upper back and even full back tattoo designs done.
Female Tattoo Sleeve - Yes women are even starting to get a more feminine style full sleeve tattoos. Instead of a bunch of skull, crossbones and flames with dice women are starting to incorporate dragonflies, fairies, and even traditional koi fish tattoos.
Many of the greatest looking female tattoo designs now are ones that play on traditional tattoo themes. These create fu, interesting and unique variations on the theme.
Have you been wondering what is going to be hot in the world of tattoo designs this year? Every year it seems like the trends and what is popular in the world of tattoos changes. This year it is no different and the sexiest and best tattoos for girls are quickly becoming clear. Yes even though it is early in 2010 you can already see the major trends of what is going to be hot this year and even into next year. This article will look at the top locations and the hottest tattoo design trends.
Locations For Hot Female Tattoo Designs
Of course you can always get a tattoo on any part of the body you want. The list below just gives some of the most popular places to get inked on the female body. If you already have somewhere in mind then great but if you are still trying to think of the location for your tattoo design then by all means read what is below and take the ideas into consideration and see what works best for you and the tattoo you want.
Hip Tattoos - This is one of the newest and most sexy areas for female tattoo designs. It used to be the lower back tattoo was the sexy location but this has changed and now one of the new even hotter places to get a design in on the hip. They are easy to hide when needed in a professional setting but a great pair of hip hugger jeans will also reveal at least the top if not all of these great tattoos.
Upper Back - The upper back tattoo is the new answer to the lower back tramp stamp. Yes the lower back has been overdone and over played at this point but have no fear the upper back tattoo is just as sexy if not more so and works well for larger designs. This gives you almost unlimited possibilities for hot tattoo designs.
Half Sleeve - Sleeve tattoos be them full sleeve, half sleeve or even quarter sleeves were once the domain of men's tattoos. However, no more women are going bolder with their tattoos and designs as well as the locations on their bodies. More and more women are getting sleeve tattoos these days and they are sexy.
Side Tattoos For Girls - Side tattoos are also another very hot trend in tattoo designs for women. These typically start down low around the waist area and then come up on the side. These can go up into the rib cage area. Just keep in mind the higher on the ribs you go the more painful the tattoo will be but often these are such great designs that it will be worth the pain.
Hot Designs And Styles For Girls
Floral - Of course these are pretty self explanatory but flower tattoos are the perfect match to fit beautifully with the female body. The curves of the vines and the color of the flower blossom works perfectly together to create beautiful feminine design. Keep in mind the symbolism behind different flowers can play an important role in the design of these tattoos.
Japanese Koi - Japanese koi fish tattoos are quickly becoming a very hot item for women to get. They represent power and strength. The beauty of the color with the blue water and the gold and yellow scales on the fish make for a very brilliant colorful tattoo design that works great on the female body be it a side tattoo or a half sleeve design.
Cherry Blossom - Also a traditional Japanese tattoo design these are quickly becoming very popular. The cherry blossom is delicate, beautiful and lives a short brilliant and bright life and then fall tragically on the snow to die. The symbolism here is to live life to the fullest to be bold and beautiful and live each day to it's fullest. This is a great reminder for all of us and how everyone should live their lives.
Angels - Angels and fairies have always been popular with women as well as butterflies. There is just something magical and special about wings and the colors and meaning behind such designs work well for women. The flowing lines of wings and the feminine shapes of the fairies or angels create a beautiful looking design.
Most people have been starting to notice that over the past few years the whole world has changed. One segment that has really seen phenomenal growth in the arena of tattoos and tattoo design has been that of women's tattoo designs. It used to be that very few women would get tattoos and those that did often got small designs that would be covered up. Whatever area you choose to get a tattoo inked on your body you now know that there are so many more options out there. Hopefully the ideas and locations provided in this article will give you some good places to start and some basic ideas to run with. Make sure to take your time and find designs that you like to use as a resource when you create your own unique tattoo.
Feminine wrist tattoos have been a very popular trend recently. There are a lot of different designs that can work well for the wrist. There are full wrap around tattoo designs that are often done as floral tattoos. Also under wrist single word tattoos are very popular for women these days.