Sometimes these types of vine tattoos are floral or leafy and may be delicate or bold depending on whether they are tropical or of the traditional English garden style.
Vine tattoos may be adorned with flowers or hearts for women, or given a more Guns 'n Roses style for the men. They are very popular with women because of their rather feminine and beautiful nature. Vines come in many shapes, colours and sizes which is why you'll see a great variety of these tattoos. Vine tattoos may be either basic, or elaborate. Vines are also used to draw your eye in a certain direction or may connect separate pieces of body art. Vines that circle around the arms are also a popular placement choice.
Vine imagery also enhances the effect of religious tattoos, so you can use them together with religious tattoo images such as communion cups, crosses and so on to bring them to better effect. If you are going for a more subtle look, a thin light coloured vine tattoo would probably be more suitable for you than a bold dark-leafed tattoo.
Some individuals have vines running down their leg or down their outer arm. The the most commonplace places that you'll see a vine tattoo on a girl is on the thigh and foot. It has also become more popular for girls to get vine tattoos on the side of the rib cage. You could use either a single leaf or a whole vine of poison ivy to signify both beauty and danger.